Update for the blog

Hello friends! You may have been wondering why I haven’t posted in almost a month (last post was 10/14) and the truth is there are several reasons. 1) I sort I felt like what is the point in posting… I put all this work into pictures and posts and for what? I know people are reading it (according to the stats), but people don’t interact with me and I sort of feel like I’m not introducing anything new. Nothing that I am showing you is different than the thousands of other “fashion” and “lifestyle” blogs. 2) I haven’t felt inspired to post. I didn’t start this blog to make money (good thing because I don’t get paid anything lol), I did it to see what could come of it if I invested my heart into it for a year and set the time aside. But along the way I lost the heart for it, probably due to my lack of originality. 3) I’m not getting paid… but really when you factor the time and resources gone into it, you wonder if it’s worth it especially when you’re busy (as I am).

The great thing about your 20s is you’re finding your voice, and so much of your younger 20s is about truly finding yourself. I want to find myself through expression, studying, listening, watching, praying, contemplating, and the various challenges and growth opportunities life throws my way.

I’m not deleting the blog, but I’ve decided to take a break until I figure out what I want to be writing about. Thank you for understanding and joining me on my journey thus far.

xx words and red lipstick